Our Design – Build Services consist of preliminary project planning and development of project scope to bring the customer a project which fits all of their needs, yet still delivers some flexibility during the construction phase.
Our team works with owners and design professionals to develop a project to meet the vision and requirements expressed during the Pre-Construction phase by generating an overall project scope and goal. This team work continues as the owner continues to be fully involved during the construction phase, providing input on their project and developing any changes they would like to see along the way.
Benefits to the Owner:
- Design – build delivery combines design and construction quality, cost, and schedule into a single point of responsibility. Our Design-build projects foster partnering between team members, which in turn adds value to a project.
- Utilizing design-build delivery, the architect and contractor coordinate as a team, leaving an owner free to focus on the project’s scope and general decision making.
- The design-build delivery system allows us to establish a guaranteed cost early on in the design phase. This allows the owner to make changes, request additional value engineering, or add scope to a project before the substantial design is complete.
- Value engineering and construct-ability review are enhanced and utilized continuously throughout the project duration. The early involvement of the design-build team is essential in maximizing the full potential of the design-build delivery system. Decisions that can be made during the programming, concept and design phases will impact the schedule and costs of the project more than any other phase of construction.
- With a design-build project, design and construction for a project can easily overlap, allowing for fast track construction. The owner benefits from this shortened time frame because construction costs can be reduced and the new building will be available for use sooner.